Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sheriff Quickly Establishes "Gilligan's Island"

It's my island and I'll play as I want. Just kidding folks. I don't know John Gilligan so it would be unfair to second guess this move but it quickly establishes there is a "new sheriff in town". Today newly appointed Luzerne County Sheriff Gilligan terminated the employment of Chief Deputy Sheriff Charles Guarnieri, effective Thursday according to the Times Leader.

"It was my decision," Gilligan said. "I appointed Carl Zawatski as my chief deputy and I informed Mr. Guarnieri that his employment with the county was terminated."

Gilligan said he eliminated a second chief deputy position.

"Like I've said before, I'm here as part of the solution," Gilligan said. "I will do whatever it takes to restore integrity to this office and the county."

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