Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ed Mitchell Says Kanjorski Protected Social Security

When Corey O'Brien announced his candidacy for the Democratic nod in next year's primary for the 11th Congressional District spinmaster Ed Mitchell rode to the rescue with his usual rhetoric of misdirection. In the story featured in the Scranton Times BY BORYS KRAWCZENIUK Mitchell is quoted as saying Kanjorski "looks forward to a full and thorough debate of his record and the issues in the primary election."

"He believes that in today's tough economic times we need a congressman who has a record of fighting for veterans' benefits, protecting Social Security and Medicare for seniors and pushing for job creation and affordable health care for all working families," By the way Corey, these are free and on me.

Here's what Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson had to say about Social Security last year according to Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, saying that Social Security is "financially unsustainable," called Tuesday for quick action to keep the system strong and released a report detailing the program's funding shortfalls.

The federal government will have to start paying back what it owes the Social Security trust fund in 2017 so the program can continue paying 100% of benefits. By 2041, if the system is left unchanged, Social Security will only be able to pay out 78% of benefits promised to future retirees.

You see Paul Kanjorski and Congress have been raiding the Social Security Trust fund for years mismanaging its assets in a way that has put the future of its ability to pay benefits as promised.

On the issue of Medicare Obama has declared that seniors will be denied a raise in Social Security benefits although Medicare Premiums will rise. Congress received its automatice pay raise in January to the tune of $4,700.00 bringing the total salary to $174,000.00.

Why doesn't Congress eliminate the automatice pay raise provision in law and refuse to take any raise until the economy turns around and jobless claims start to fall, not rise? Since they vote to increase Social Security benefits and Medicare premiums why doesn't the voter get to vote whether they get a raise or not? Representative Joe Sestak introduced a bill to delay Congressional pay raises in 2010. It went nowhere because it didn't have one co-sponsor.

Mitchell took exceptional issue with O'Briens hint about Cornerstone Technologies. While it may be true that Paul Kanjorski never got a dime the same can't be said about members of his family. Those members received pay that was funded with federal money.

Comments on Gorts blog referenced the length of time Kanjorski has been in office and his seniority. It's a fact that Chris Carney brought almost 3 times as much money to his district than Kanjorski brought to the 11th last year. As far as committees Kanjorski sits on they regulate the financial sector. We are in the worst recession since the Great Depression. How did his seniority help with that mess or did it create it?

How do you support a Congressman that believes money handed out for pet projects is free money?


Anonymous said...

One of the names that stuck out for me was the name Ed Mitchell. The next I going to provide to you make a very good story.

From what I read Ed Mitchell works for Bob Mellow and Kanjorski. I do not know how someone could ethically work for both men at the same time. One would think that it is a conflict of interest. As I then searched to see if Ed Mitchell had a website I found out that he did have one. When I began to look at the names of the canidates I almost fell out of my chair. Ed Mitchell has worked the campaigns of Congressmen Jack Murtha who has ethics question surrounding him followed by the next name on the Mitchell list Kanjorski who is no stranger to ethics controversy. I thought that those names were it then I looked further down and saw the names Judge Michael Conahan and Mark Civarella and then another very photogenic judge Paul Olwzeshki name and I almost threw up.

Anonymous said...

One of the names that stuck out for me was the name Ed Mitchell. The next I going to provide to you make a very good story.

Now from what I read Ed Mitchell works for Bob Mellow and Kanjorski. I do not know how someone could ethically work for both men at the same time. One would think that it is a conflict of interest. As I then searched to see if Ed Mitchell had a website I found out that he did have one. When I began to look at the names of the canidates I almost fell out of my chair. Ed Mitchell has worked the campaigns of Congressmen Jack Murtha who has ethics question surrounding him followed by the next name on the Mitchell list Kanjorski who is no stranger to ethics controversy. I thought that those names were it then I looked further down and saw the names Judge Michael Conahan and Mark Civarella and then another very photogenic judge Paul Olwzeshki name and I almost threw up.