Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Statewide Newsworthy Stories

Lou Barletta discusses the tax implications regarding the sale of the water assets of the Hazleton City Authority in the Standard Speaker written by Kent Jackson.

Hazleton will begin layoffs in May Although property taxes were raised by about $10.00 per month on $100,000 assessment layoffs were necessary in this year's fiscal budget according to Mary Ellen Leib,acting director of adminstration.

Michael Manzo has plenty to say about the Bonusgate investigation during testimony in the Michael Veon et al trial proceeding in Harrisburg. His wife, Rachel, was an employee of Rep. Todd Eachus who denies knowing about the bonuses.

Pennsylvania American Water acquires the assets of the Nittany Water Company expanding its footprint to 36 counties statewide.

Senator Mellow becomes a renewed target of the watchdogs over rent payments and "cash" payments made over nine years

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