Thursday, April 2, 2009

Conflict of Interest?? Slow Down Fast Eddy At Work

Comcast Building(Krystle Marcellus/The Bulletin)

Chris Freind at the Bulletin wrote this piece about the way Fast Eddy sees events in his state.

Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell’s recent decision to criticize the Sunoco oil company for laying off 750 workers raises a number of intriguing questions. While the governor held a press conference last week solely to excoriate Sunoco, calling the company’s decision “unconscionable,” he has been notably silent concerning the 3,000 layoffs — four times the number at Sunoco — that Comcast has executed in the past year.

Since the governor’s election in 2002, SUN PAC, Sunoco’s political action committee, has contributed $55,000 to Mr. Rendell, with Sunoco employees donating an additional $2,650.

During that same time period, Comcast’s PAC, its employees, and the spouses of its top executives, donated $634,350 to the governor. Additionally, Comcast spent at least $100,000 on Mr. Rendell’s inauguration festivities in 2007, being designated as a“Benefactor” by the governor, the highest level of a contributor.

Why do people complain about the no-bid work in Luzerne County? Read the last sentence of his article.

Under the Rendell administration, over $1 billion in no-bid contracts have been awarded.


Anonymous said...

Maybe he should bring more big checks to the crooks in luzerne county

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather flock together