Thursday, April 29, 2010

Incumbent Protection Plan?? Or Business As Usual

SOP was mailed a computer generated email allegedly sent by Representative Todd Eachus to Democratic Members and Legisaltive Assistants on Monday, November 9, 2009. Here are the contents of that telecommunication.

From: Eachus, Todd
To: Dem Members & Legis Assts
Cc: Stalnecker, Angela; Kuller, Laura; Baughman, Vicki
Sent: Mon Nov 09 13:37:58 2009
Subject: Post-Budget Outreach Information

Dear Colleague:

Under my direction, the Office of Member Services recently compiled extensive budget reports specifically tailored to selected legislative districts. These reports detail the impact of the 2009-19 budget and were intended to serve as the foundation for Members' budget outreach with constituents and the press. Whether it's a town hall meeting, a newsletter or a telephone conversation with a constituent, this information can be used to demonstrate how much better Pennsylvania fared as a result of our refusal to settle for the provisions of the Republican plan, S.B. 850.

The documents are proving to be a valuable resource to our Members, so with that in mind, I write this service to you. Upon your request, I will instruct the Office of Member Services to compile a budget report for your legislative district which would include general talking points, detailed data, and a document delineating several outreach options that the Legislative Communications Office can help you execute.

If you are interested in having this information tailored for your legislative districted,(his misspelling) please contact Angela Stalnecker in my office, at or (717)787-2229, and we'll get to work for you.

As always, I will continue to do all I can to ensure that you receive the best possible service from our staff.


This memo smells of political protection that it should have arrived in a tuna can. Todd, how about answering these questions:

1. Why were the initial reports only tailored for "selected individual legistlative districts"? Was that the first group of Democratic Legislators who you thought would have primary trouble?

2. How do you separate and deny political maneuvering with data on state owned computers when you state "used to demonstrate how much better Pennsylvania fared as a result of our refusal to settle for the provisions of the Republican plan, S.B. 850"?

3. Are you trying to proffer to the public that elected legislators in Harrisburg do not know how to reach their constituents and the press-"and a document delineating several outreach options that the Legislative Communications Office can help you execute"? How in the heck did they get elected in the first place?

4. Is the Legislative Communications Office to be used for political purposes like you used them to develop the video for Gladstone Partners and your fantasy cargo airport?

5. Do you have spell check on your computer?

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