Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chris Paige Drops Out of Race

According to a story on the Times Leader website by Bill O'Boyle Monroe County hedge fund attorney Chris Paige has decided to drop out the race for the Republican nomination to Congress in the 11th district. Lou Barletta will now run unopposed and face the Democratic nominee in the fall.

“I’ve withdrawn from the race to address some health and family issues,” Paige said in an e-mail announcing his decision.

On March 15th Chris Paige announced a personal family issue that struck a chord with SOP. To Mr. Paige and his wife nothing in politics transcends the dignity and respect for the institution known as family. The emotions and healing in your personal adversity are hard for us to imagine. It took great courage to share your news with the world. It is not for us to counsel you on the process you are going through but know that through all this there is empathy and compassion for your decision to concentrate on the most important reason for marriage and love. Our prayers go out to you.

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