Thursday, September 10, 2009

Eachus Largest Deficit Since The Great Depression Under His Watch

Why would Todd Eachus admit to creating the largest deficit since the Great Depression??

Eachus said he’s busy working to try to balance the state budget, which he said is “facing the largest deficit since the Great Depression” – $3.2 billion.

Todd Eachus takes credit for the Democrats reclaiming the House for the first time in twelve years back in 2006.

What is more amazing than all of his rhetoric is this statement found on his website.

Todd hit the ground running, fighting and winning to deliver meaningful legislation efforts that include:

•Guaranteeing affordable medicine to more than 120,000 seniors by expanding Pennsylvania’s prescription drug program.

Todd I challenge you to produce facts from the Department of Aging to verify 120,000 seniors were added to the program since 2006 when there were 317,000 total at the time. Remember, you "guaranteed" 120,000 seniors would be added to the program.

Readers, call the Department of Aging for yourselves to find the answers.

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